Chatbot Connections
The first step to getting started with Botium is connecting to your Bot technology.
Create a new Bot Connection
To begin testing you will need to connect to your chatbot technology. Here you will find the steps to help you do just that. There are more than 49 different Botium Connectors available right now, including several a...
Import Bot Connection
Import your bot configuration from a previously exported file. Navigate Using the Left Pane: On the left navigation pane, head to Botium Tools & Settings > Chatbot Connections Create new Chatbot: Open the 'Crea...
Update Bot Connection using the Import Function
Import a Botium.JSON file to update your existing bot connection. Warning: This process will overwrite your existing chatbot configuration! Navigate Using the Left Pane: On the left navigation pane, head to ...
Export Chatbot Connection
Export your chatbot configuration to update or share with others. Navigate Using the Left Pane: On the left navigation pane, head to Botium Tools & Settings > Chatbot Connections > Your Chatbot ...
Botium Connectors
The following connectors are available for Botium and can be used to test chatbots built using these technologies. See below for a list of connectors and how these work with Botium. Connector Name Connector Features ...
Selecting a Botium Connector
Botium supports pretty much every important chatbot technology out there. This article gives an overview of the what kind of test levels supported by Botium, and the strengths and weaknesses of each. Note: There are numerou...