Botium in a Nutshell

Learn the basic concept of Botium, why it was created, and how millions of customers make use of it every day.

  • Part 1: What Is Botium?

    Botium is a bot optimization platform that supports chatbot makers in training and quality assurance. The first part gives an overview of the Botium ecosystem, all the libraries and tools that are involved in the Botium ecosy...

  • Part 2: Writing Chatbot Tests

    While the first part of this series gave a general overview of Botium, this part deals with the daily business in software testing and automation, writing test cases. Hello, World! The most basic test case in Botium consists ...

  • Part 3: Automating Chatbot Tests

    Now we are really close to let Botium talk to your chatbot! First we have to tell Botium how to actually connect to your chatbot. Connecting to your Chatbot Botium has to somehow build up a communication channel with ...