Here you will find answers to some of Botium's most frequently asked questions.
What is Monitoring in Botium?
Parent topic: FAQ
What is Cyara/Botium testing for regression testing?
Cyara/Botium will verify context handling and the conversation flow of the bot. It can crawl the bot to discover the full conversational flow. Using Cyara/Botium you can identify flaws in the conversation flow before it goes ...
What are the "Scripting Settings" in Botium?
These settings are used to configure finer details that can make your tests run more efficiently. Each option available is covered in an article under the Scripting Settings section of the knowledge center. Parent topic: FAQ
What CI/CD Pipelines does Botium support?
Does it support Bamboo ?Yes. Bamboo has excellent support for scripting, so best option for running test cases on Botium is to use a script task with cURL or Wget. Remember: Remember to map the build en...
What do the Botium Test results provide?
Each Test Result provides Bot configuration information Test Cases Used Number Success Number Failed Duration of Test Run Ability to quickly rerun the test session Access to Test Cases to quickly view the associated test cases and their step...
Where does testing occur?
Depending on the support within the chatbot provider, you can set up connectivity to multiple environments (development, UAT, production, etc.). Cyara/Botium supports testing at the API level for component testing and user in...
When "Security Checks" is enabled, all test cases are failing ?
All test cases are failing with a message similar to self signed certificate error To solve this problem, follow the instructions here Parent topic: FAQ
How do we test multi turn logic?
This article explains how to test multi-turn logic in chatbot interactions using specific asserters. To test multi-turn logic, such as booking a flight with multiple inputs (e.g., "I want to book a flight," "Where from?" ...
How does Cyara/Botium test for a multiple step answer and entities?
Asserters are used as additional validators for conversations. For example, if you want to check if the links sent by the bot are valid references, you can use the HyperLinkAsserter, which will try to reach the sent links. Every s...
How Can I Simulate Buttons with my Azure Bot?
So, there are two very different things to consider here: How does Botium identify that your Bot wants to show some buttons - this typically works out of the box, Botium recognizes the content types involved in delivering ...
How can I test a Bot Framework Chatbot without going over Directline?
The Botium Directline3 connector is configured as separate channel for an Azure Bot Service in the Azure Portal. Botium tests are always hitting the Azure servers - is it possible to run against a locally deployed Bot Framewo...
How can I inspect detailed test case logs in Botium?
There are situations where your test cases are failing, but you cannot see the reason why this is happening from the test results. It would be handy to get some more insights into what’s happening there. Download the Transcri...
Can I use Google Sheets to manage my test cases?
Scenario: you are using Google Sheets for writing Botium test cases (same format as in Excel). Solution: register your Google Sheet in Botium as “Download Link”. Warning: Google Sheets API Usage Limits: Botium is using the Googl...
Can I use JIRA to manage my test cases?
Scenario: you are using Jira issues for test case management. The Botium test cases are attached to Jira issues (for example, as Excel files). Solution: register the attachment download link together with Jira credentials in ...
Can I use Sharepoint to manage my test cases?
Scenario: you are using Excel files hosted in Sharepoint for writing Botium test cases. Solution: register the Sharepoint link in Botium as Download Link. Create a Sharepoint App Registration Follow this guide to create an app ...
Does Cyara/Botium store transcripts on their cloud?
Yes, Cyara/Botium stores transcripts related to test sets, test cases, and test results. The storage duration and other settings are configurable per customer instance. Cyara/Botium stores transcripts related to test sets, te...
Advanced Test Case Utilization
After a Bot is deployed, what is Cyara/Botium leveraged for? Continuous development and improvements to the bot require continuous testing. So as a phase 1+ test, you will continue to test against your bot with both existing...
Verify Network Connectivity for Botium Agents
This article offers valuable insights and suggestions for users to troubleshoot and resolve connectivity issues with Botium agents. It covers various potential causes of connectivity problems and provides practical solutions ...
Error "self signed certificate in certificate chain" or other SSL-related error
When accessing Botium endpoints on servers that don’t have a certificate signed by a globally trusted certification authority, Botium will refuse connection and test cases are failing. This typically happens when using the Ge...
Git Error 128
When using a remote git repository in Botium and it constantly keeps failing with a message containing git error 128, you can try the following to verify Git connectivity Note: Most likely connection to the Git repository fa...
Common Errors - Troubleshooting
This article is to help you to solve some small challenges you may encounter in Botium as you get to know the platform. General Issue Why does it happen? Solution Random tests are running into timouts. The bot platform can...
If the conversation includes buttons, how would that appear?
Cyara/Botium's crawler detects quick replies and buttons, simulating clicks on all available options. It follows each path until it reaches the configured depth or encounters an open-ended question. You can edit the fl...
Once connected to the client’s bot does data live on Cyara/Botium’s database?
Training data and test data as defined on Cyara/Botium resides in our platform. We don't provide any updates to the actual bot, but the means to update the bot by exporting data from Cyara/Botium. Continue reading for more cl...
Saucelabs being used for mobile and web testing. How is this connected?
Cyara/Botium supports cloud providers, but you can also connect to your self-hosted Selenium server. For connection to Saucelabs the following is supported: Saucelabs For Saucelabs, the Selenium Endpoint typically is ...
I want to run tests in parallel - how do I do this?
It is common to shorten the feedback cycle by running tests in parallel. This article explains how to achieve parallel test execution using Botium Agents. What are Botium Agents ? Botium Agents are the work-horses that actually run t...
I don't know how to set a capability in Botium
Most important capability settings are part of the Botium UI. For custom or special capabilities not used very often, you can add the capabilities to the capability list in Botium. Chatbot Capabilities In the Connector Se...
The Value of Botium Testing
A common question that is asked when deciding to test chatbots with Botium is, "What is the enhanced value of testing with Cyara/Botium verses testing with the vendor tools supplied?". Some of the key differentiators with Cya...
Selenium Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I test my chatbot user interface? Is it not enough to test the conversation flow on API level? You should at least make sure to verify the visual appearance and the correct operation of your chatbot ...