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How do we test multi turn logic?

This article explains how to test multi-turn logic in chatbot interactions using specific asserters.

To test multi-turn logic, such as booking a flight with multiple inputs (e.g., "I want to book a flight," "Where from?" "Where to?"), the following asserters can be used:


  • Arguments: Intent name to look out for.
  • Usage: Used in the #bot section.
  • Function: Asserts that the bot responded with the specified intent.


  • Arguments: Minimum accepted confidence, like “70” for 70%.
  • Usage: Used in the #bot section.
  • Function: Asserts that the bot responded with at least the specified minimal confidence.


  • Arguments: None.
  • Usage: Used in the #bot section.
  • Function: Asserts that the recognized intent is unique (not an alternate intent with the same confidence).


  • Arguments: Expected entities like “from|to,” or minimal entities like “from|…”.
  • Usage: Used in the #bot section.
  • Function: Asserts that the bot responded with the specified entities.


  • Arguments: Expected entity values like “2018|2019,” or minimal entity values like “2018|…”.
  • Usage: Used in the #bot section.
  • Function: Asserts that the bot responded with the specified entity values.


  • Arguments: Entity and expected values like location|Budapest|Vienna.
  • Usage: Used in the #bot section.
  • Function: Asserts that the bot responded with the specified entity content. Each ENTITY_CONTENT asserter checks only one entity, so use more asserters to check multiple entities.
    Note: The response does not fail if it contains more values than specified in the arguments.

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