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Botium Namespaces

Botium Namespaces allow you to group Test Projects, Test Results, Test Sets, Chatbots, and Crawler Projects under a common namespace. This is particularly useful for testing multiple chatbot implementations across different brands or product offerings within your business.

All Namespaces

The default Botium Namespace selected covers "All Namespaces." Additional namespaces are available in the dropdown menu in the top right corner of the Botium platform.

By clicking on a configured Namespace in this dropdown menu, you will see only the grouped items for each section of the Botium platform that are assigned to that namespace.

Creating new Namespaces

To create a new namespace, simply type the desired name into the optional Namespace field, and a new namespace will be created. This can be done anywhere on the platform where you see the 'Namespace' field.

Note: Leaving this field blank will still add the project to the "All Namespaces" category.

Adding to a Namespace

Test Projects, Test Results, Test Sets, Chatbots and Crawler Projects are added to a Botium Namespace simply by typing the name of the existing Namespace into the text field on the corresponding configuration page.

Namespace Tags

Anything added to a namespace will be clearly identifiable by a namespace tag.

Setting Namespace Permissions

Namespace permissions can be enabled and disabled from the global settings panel under the Namespace Permissions tab. Here the user can apply rules for read/write access to any Namespace.
Warning: Enabling namespace permissions may cause users to lose access to test projects and other records within those namespaces unless explicit permissions are granted.
  1. Navigate Using the Left Pane: On the left navigation pane, head to Botium Tools & Settings > Settings
  2. Switch Tabs: Select the NAMESPACE PERMISSIONS tab from the set of tabs located underneath the main ribbon at the top of the page.

  3. Enable: Click the ENABLE NAMESPACE PERMISSIONS button.

  4. Add New: Click the + New button to add new permissions to a namespace.
  5. Enter Namespace: Enter the name of the namespace you wish to add permissions for.
  6. Choose Role: Use the dropdown menu on the right to select the role you wish to add permissions for.
    Tip: Permissions are set on a role basis, allowing you to assign different permissions for each namespace based on the various roles in Botium. You can also add as many custom roles as needed.
  7. Set Permissions: There are two options for permissions, Read or Write (when the write permission is granted, the read permission is automatically granted in the background)
  8. Save: Click the SAVE button to complete setup.

Records NOT assigned to a Namespace

For any record in Botium not assigned to a namespace by default, no permission rules are applied, meaning those records are readable and writable by anyone (based on role).
Note: A rule for a child namespace overwrites a rule from the parent namespace. For example, a "guest" user can have "read" permissions for a "public" namespace but also have "write" permissions for a "public.superpublic" namespace. Otherwise, child namespaces inherit permissions from the parent namespaces.

Records without Read Permissions

Detailed records where no read permissions are granted will not be shown in any list view. Hyperlinks to those records may be shown, but clicking on them reveals only basic information (such as the record name), without detailed information.

For example, if a chatbot is in a namespace where the current user does not have any read permissions, the chatbot will not appear in the Chatbots list. However, if that same chatbot is part of a test result that the user is permitted to see, only the link to the chatbot will be visible in the Test Results view, but no further information will be available upon clicking.

If there are no write permissions for a namespace, the user can view the entire record but cannot make changes. For instance, a user can view the chatbot capability secrets but will not be able to apply changes to them.

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