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Deploying a LivePerson Connector

The following tutorial will guide you through setting up a LivePerson conversational AI and connecting it to your Botium.

Note: Botium will connect to the LivePerson Conversational AI via the Connector API messaging channel. Click here for more information on the LivePerson Connector API

Read this article on how to first setup and deploy your LivePerson bot so it can be connected to Botium.

Connecting the LivePerson Bot to Botium

  1. Login to your Botium instance and register a new liveperson chatbot Botium Tools & Settings > Chatbot Connections
  2. Select 'Create new Chatbot' at the top of the screen and register a new chatbot with the + icon.

  3. Select LivePerson in the Connector/Chatbot Technology dropdown menu.

  4. Select an API key (we recommend using the Default API Key available) and copy the generated webhook url from Live Person Webhook Endpoint field using the copy button.

  5. In a new browser tab, log in to your LivePerson Connector App Hub here: and create a new app, and paste the copied webhook url into the webhooks endpoint field.

    LivePerson will generate a Application ID & Secret key which will be required in Botium.

  6. Fill the rest of the fields in Botium:
    1. Client ID: Copy it from from your created application (Application Name & id column)
    2. Client Secret: Copy it from from your created application (Secret column)
    3. Campaign ID and Engagement ID: Navigate to liveperson cloud and open the engagement you have created in the 1. point. From the url you can get back the Campaign ID and the Engagement ID
    4. External Consumer ID: Filling this with a random identifier you will get a dedicated consumer ID on liveperson side, this way you will be able to see the history of conversations to the same consumer.
    5. User profile: Here you can define the detailed personal information of the consumer and SDEs
  7. Finish the registration and start a new live chat, from here you should be able to connect to your bot and communicate with it.

Running Static Training Data Analytics:

To allow Botium to automatically generate a test set of intent data from LivePerson, follow the steps below.
  1. Export the Training Data from LivePerson by clicking on the Conversational AI button in the left hand sidebar.

  2. Highlight the bot that you wish to export data for and click the “Domain Settings” button in the available dropdown menu.

  3. Scroll down to the “Import/Export” menu and click the “Export All Data” button, this will download a .zip file which contains a “*_Intents.csv file.

  4. Unpack the .zip and login to your botium box.

  5. Select the “Test Sets” menu in the left hand sidebar and expand the “Create new test set” option.

  6. Drag and drop the .csv file downloaded earlier into the drop zone.

  7. Botium will automatically create a new Test Set

  8. Once the Test Set is generated, click on the insights tab and click the “Update Insights with Latest Test Data” button

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