For low to medium complexity APIs based on HTTP/JSON, you can leverage the included Generic HTTP(S)/JSON Connector and adapt it to your needs.
Extend the Generic HTTP/JSON Connector
To develop your own Botium Connector based on the Generic HTTP(S)/JSON Connector. All that is needed is one single Javascript file.
Boilerplate Code
Here is some boilerplate code you can use to build your own Botium Connector. The only function that contains real logic is the Validate function, which is used to dynamically generate the configuration for the Generic HTTP/JSON Connector, tailored to your custom API:const SimpleRestContainer = require('botium-core/src/containers/plugins/SimpleRestContainer.js')
const CoreCapabilities = require('botium-core/src/Capabilities')
const Capabilities = {
class BotiumConnectorMyApi {
constructor ({ queueBotSays, caps }) {
this.queueBotSays = queueBotSays
this.caps = caps
this.delegateContainer = null
this.delegateCaps = null
this.userSaysCounter = 0
Validate () {
if (!this.caps[Capabilities.MYAPI_URL]) throw new Error('MYAPI_URL capability required')
if (!this.delegateContainer) {
this.delegateCaps = {
[CoreCapabilities.SIMPLEREST_URL]: this.caps[Capabilities.MYAPI_URL],
[CoreCapabilities.SIMPLEREST_METHOD]: 'POST',
[CoreCapabilities.SIMPLEREST_RESPONSE_JSONPATH]: '$.reply',
[CoreCapabilities.SIMPLEREST_BODY_TEMPLATE]: JSON.stringify({
username: 'botium',
message: '{{msg.messageText}}',
session: '{{botium.conversationId}}',
startsession: false,
quickreply: null
if (this.caps[Capabilities.MYAPI_TOKEN]) {
this.delegateCaps[CoreCapabilities.SIMPLEREST_HEADERS_TEMPLATE] = `{ "Authorization": "Token ${this.caps[Capabilities.MYAPI_TOKEN]}"}`
this.delegateCaps[CoreCapabilities.SIMPLEREST_REQUEST_HOOK] = ({ msg, requestOptions, context }) => {
if (this.userSaysCounter === 0) {
requestOptions.body.startsession = true
} else {
requestOptions.body.startsession = false
if (msg.buttons && msg.buttons.length > 0) {
delete requestOptions.body.message
requestOptions.body.quickreply = msg.buttons[0].payload || msg.buttons[0].text
this.delegateCaps[CoreCapabilities.SIMPLEREST_RESPONSE_HOOK] = ({ botMsg, botMsgRoot }) => {
if (botMsgRoot.status === 'error') throw new Error(`MyAPI Error: ${botMsgRoot.message}`)
if (botMsgRoot.quickreplies && botMsgRoot.quickreplies.length > 0) {
botMsg.buttons = => ({ text: b.title, payload: b.value }))
this.delegateCaps = Object.assign({}, this.caps, this.delegateCaps)
this.delegateContainer = new SimpleRestContainer({ queueBotSays: this.queueBotSays, caps: this.delegateCaps })
return this.delegateContainer.Validate()
async Build () {
await this.delegateContainer.Build()
async Start () {
this.userSaysCounter = 0
await this.delegateContainer.Start()
async UserSays (msg) {
await this.delegateContainer.UserSays(msg)
async Stop () {
await this.delegateContainer.Stop()
async Clean () {
await this.delegateContainer.Clean()
module.exports = {
PluginVersion: 1,
PluginClass: BotiumConnectorMyApi,
PluginDesc: {
name: 'My API',
provider: 'Me',
capabilities: [
name: 'MYAPI_URL',
label: 'MyAPI Endpoint',
type: 'url',
required: true
name: 'MYAPI_TOKEN',
label: 'MyAPI Authorization Token',
type: 'secret',
required: false
Boilerplate Code Explained
The endpoint is given by the
capability -
capability is used for building the main structure of the JSON document sent to the endpoint -
capability is a function doing some additional stuff on the JSON document:-
If it is the first message sent by the user, a
flag is activated -
If there are button clicks (quick replies) to simulate instead of message text the quick-reply payload is sent
If an authorization token is given in the
capability, it is added as a HTTP header
capability extracts the response text from the JSON response document -
capability is a function for dynamic evaluation of the JSON response document:-
Detect if there is a processing error
Detect additional fields in the JSON response document, in this case if there are quick-reply buttons available
Boilerplate Configuration Options (Capabilities)
Adding SIMPLEREST_ Capabilities
Botium Tools & Settings > Chatbot Connections > Your Chatbot Connection >
Configuration > Connector Settings
Botium Connector Deployment
To deploy your new Botium Connector, follow the steps in the article How to deploy my own Botium Connector