A common requirement for chatbot testing is to implement token-based authentication.
A chatbot client knows about the authenticated user - there is a client-based mechanism for user authentication in place (Cookies ? Web-App Login?)
For starting a chatbot conversation, the chatbot client has to transmit some kind of user authentication token to the chatbot engine to initialize the user context in the conversation
The authentication token is available by calling an API
If your requirements are similar to this, head on - here are the step by step instructions how to
Setup Botium to query an API for an authentication token before starting a test session
Use this authentication token in the test cases
1. Implement Botium Hook to Retrieve API Token
Configuration > Connector
Enable the Advanced Mode switch
Add a new capability named CUSTOMHOOK_ONBUILD
- In the Capability Value field, add your custom JavaScript code to call your API for a
token. In this example we are calling a public dummy API, and we are using one of the
returned JSON fields as
module.exports = async ({ container, request }) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const requestOptions = { method: 'get', uri: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1', json: true } request(requestOptions, (err, response, body) => { if (err) return reject(err) container.pluginInstance.caps.MYTOKEN = body.title resolve() }) }) }
Note: The dummy token is written to the Botium Capability MYTOKEN - Click SAVE to complete your task.
2. Use the Token in a Test Case
Botium Tools & Settings > Test Sets > Test Set Configuration >
- Add a Convo file in your Test Set.
- Here is the BotiumScript for copy and
Greet the bot #me /chatid $cap(MYTOKEN) #bot