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Developing Custom Asserters

With some Javascript development know-how, you can extend Botium with your own asserter logic.

Asserter Hooks

There are currently three types of asserter hooks where you can add your custom logic:

  • before a convo begins (assertConvoBegin)

  • on a convo step to assert the bot response (assertConvoStep)

  • after convo ends (assertConvoEnd)

  • and for all of them you may provide special implementations for inverted assertion logic (assertNotConvoBegin, assertNotConvoStep, assertNotConvoEnd)

The logic is implemented as Javascript functions. Implementation of the hooks is optional, you just have to implement the hooks required by your logic. For the inverted logic, if you don’t explicitly implement the logic, a default logic is used (calling the positive logic, and expect a failure).

When adding a global asserter to Botium (Register as global scripting component), the asserter hooks will be called on every convo and every convo step. For example, it maybe is a good a idea to use the Hyperlink Asserter in this way to have all your hyperlinks in all your test runs checked automatically.

Remember: Please keep in mind, that the asserter hooks are blocking the test.
Tip: Some tips for better performance:
  • Put your time consuming initialization into constructor, or into the assertConvoBegin function.
  • Execute write processes (which have no influence on the test process) parallel.

Code Sample - Asserter Class Skeleton

Best practice is to place your custom asserter logic code in a Javascript file and export a Javascript class definition. As an example, place this in a file called CustomAsserter.js:

module.exports = class CustomAsserter {
  constructor (context, caps, globalArgs) {
    this.context = context
    this.caps = caps
    this.globalArgs = globalArgs

  assertConvoBegin ({convo, args, isGlobal}) {
    return Promise.resolve()

  assertConvoStep ({convo, convoStep, args, isGlobal, botMsg}) {
    return Promise.resolve()

  assertConvoEnd ({convo, transcript, args, isGlobal}) {
    return Promise.resolve()

Code Sample - Asserter Code

For short asserter logic it is possible to place the Javascript code directly in the component configuration:

  "botium": {
    "Capabilities": {
      "ASSERTERS": [
          "ref": "MY-ASSERTER-NAME",
          "src": {
            "assertConvoStep": "if (botMsg.messageText !== 'hugo') throw 'expected hugo'"
          "global": false,
          "args": {
            "my-arg-1": "something"

Asserter Hooks API

Class Constructor Arguments (only for class definitions)

  • context - Scripting Context with several Botium internal functions

  • caps - Botium capabilities

  • globalArgs - the component configuration (from the Component Configuration field in Botium, or from the args field in botium.json) as JSON structure

assertConvoBegin/assertNotConvoBegin Arguments

  • convo - current convo

  • args - the asserter args from the convo file (as JSON array - split by “|”)

  • scriptingMemory - scripting memory variables (a JSON object)

  • isGlobal - wether the asserter logic has been registered globally or not

  • container - Botium Connector container (provides access to internal connector data)

assertConvoStep/assertNotConvoStep Arguments

  • convo - see above

  • convoStep - the current convo step

  • args - see above

  • scriptingMemory - see above

  • isGlobal - see above

  • botMsg - the message from the bot

  • container - see above

assertConvoEnd/assertNotConvoEnd Arguments

  • convo - see above

  • transcript - the full conversation transcript

  • args - see above

  • scriptingMemory - see above

  • isGlobal - see above

  • container - see above

Deployment to Botium

There are two ways to deploy your custom asserter logic to Botium.

  1. NPM package:

    Build an NPM package, exporting a Javascript class holding your asserter logic (see the Botium Hyperlink Asserter as an example). You have to add the NPM package to your Botium server - unpack the NPM package to the resources directory - the package.json of your NPM package is in the resources/your-asserter-name directory - and run “npm install” there.

    Note: An NPM package is nothing more than a ZIP-File. For Botium asserters hosted on Github, you can download the package as ZIP-file from Github (Clone or Download => Download as ZIP) and unpack them - make sure to rename the resulting directory to match the asserter package name (Github adds the -master suffix to the downloaded files)

    Now you can register your custom asserter, using your-asserter-name as Component Source.

  2. Shared Javascript file:

    You can just tell Botium to load the asserter code from a Javascript file. The Javascript file has to be available on all Botium servers and agents, obviously, by placing it in the resources directory.

    Now you can register your custom asserter, using your-asserter-filename.js as Component Source (the relative path in the resources directory).
    Note: In both cases you can use botium-asserter- prefix to automatically register your asserter. Asserters are loaded if plug-ins are enabled.

Deployment to botium.json

When using botium-cli or botium-bindings, you have to register your asserter in the botium.json file:

  "botium": {
    "Capabilities": {
      "ASSERTERS": [
          "ref": "MY-ASSERTER-NAME",
          "src": "path-to-my-javascript-file-or-npm-package-name",
          "global": false,
          "args": {
            "my-arg-1": "something"

Using the Asserter

You trigger the asserter call by using the defined Component Ref Code of the asserter.

In our example below: DUMMY. Everything after DUMMY are args separated by |

  • begin: Before the conversation starts

  • bot: after bot response

  • end: After the conversation finished

DUMMY dbUrl | dbPassword | INSERT INTO dummy(name, birthday) VALUES ('Max Mustermann', 1991-03-26);


Hi. It looks like a nice drive today. What would you like me to do?

where is the next restauran

I understand you want me to find a location. I can find restaurants, gas stations and restrooms nearby.

find my a restaurant

Of course. Do you have a specific cuisine in mind?


Super! I've found 5 locations for you. Which one would you like to drive to?
DUMMY arg1 | arg2


Sure! Restaurant 1 on the list gets great reviews.

What day/time did you want to go to the restaurant?

10th of january


DUMMY dbUrl | dbPassword | DELETE FROM dummy WHERE name='Max Mustermann';

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