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Create NLP Score Test

(Previously Botium NLP) Streamlined NLP score testing provides key metrics to refine your chatbot's Natural Language Processing model.

  1. Navigate Using the Left Pane: Navigate to Test Suite > NLP and click the + CREATE TEST button to create a new project.

  2. Configure Project:
    1. Give your project a meaningful name
    2. Select your chatbot technology from the dropdown menu
    3. Choose one or more test sets from the dropdown menu
    4. Optional - Add a namespace to associate with your project. For more information on namespaces see Botium Namespaces
    5. Optional - Schedule your test for automated testing.
    6. Click the START button to run your test

  3. Running: You’ll now see your new project added to the NLP projects list. It is as simple as that. Botium will now analyze the performance of your test data with your NLP engine. You can see Botium doing the hard work in the background, and after a few moments, you can open the project view to see an overview of the results or to make adjustments to the project's configuration.

What next? Now its time to view your test results.

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