Start here to begin testing your NLP model
Set up a Connector, prepare Datasets for training and testing, create and edit a Test Case, create an Utterance List, execute a Test Project, and view your first Test Results.
Introduction to NLP Score Testing
First steps
- Connect to your Bot: These connections are at the core of all Botium testing. Follow the steps here to create a new connection.
- Prepare Datasets for Training and Testing: This step requires the most effort because the machine learning algorithms used in NLP are only as good as the data they are trained on. Botium provides tools to help gather and enhance datasets for training and testing. Follow this article and decide which method works best for you.
- Run your First Test Session: Once you have your Bot connected and your test data ready, it's time to run your first test session. Follow the steps here to run your first test session.
- Identify NLP-related Issues and Solutions: The NLP Results Dashboard visualizes NLP performance metrics and highlights test data with incorrect intents, low confidence scores, or closely matched confidence scores between multiple intents, suggesting areas for improvement. Follow the article to understand where to focus in the results and why.
- Annotate and Augment Training Datasets: Now that you've identified some issues in your NLU performance, it's time to augment the training data to improve results. Read this article to explore various methods you can use to achieve this.
- Use Your Test Cases to Train your NLU Engine: Export your entire Botium test set as single ZIP file and use it to train your NLU engine. You can also use this process to directly upload test data to your conversation model. Follow the steps here to get started.
- Validate NLP Improvements: Return to your test project and launch a new test session with your refined and retrained NLP model to check if your changes have led to improvements.Follow the steps here to learn how to compare test sessions.
Concepts and Terminology
Understanding the concepts and terminology used in Botium is essential to effectively navigate the platform. The article "Botium Concepts and Terminology" provides a comprehensive overview of the key terms and concepts you'll encounter.
Platform Navigation
The navigation menu auto-minimizes to provide you with the largest working area possible. Mouse over it to expand the menu.
User Toolbar and Settings
A night mode toggle switch, search bar, navigation history, and user profile menus are located top right of the screen.
User Profile
Use the My User Profile page to change your password, hide Botium news on the dashboard, reset application settings, and reset the browser cache.