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How to Add Voice Effects to Simulate Real-Life Scenarios

In the real world, we can experience all kinds of degraded audio when using traditional phone lines or VoIP connections. Because of this we need to purposefully add this degradation back into our otherwise perfect, audio samples in order to simulate these scenarios more effectively. Continue reading to learn how.

There are various effects available. You can select one or more effects to add to each audio sample:
  • Adding background noise
  • Simulating bad network connection
  • Simulating low bandwidth
  • Simulating low or high volume
  • and many more …

Step by Step:

  1. Open the Voice Wizard: Navigate to Botium Tools & Settings > Test Data Wizard > Voice Wizard > Your Test Set Name

  2. Select Files: Select UPLOAD / SELECT AUDIO from the options and click the SELECTION button to open the file/folder selection window.

  3. Upload or Select Files: Select files that are already available in the table or browse for new files you wish to add effects too. After a few moments any uploaded files will also be available to select from the table.
  4. Add Selection: Click the SELECT FILE button when done to add the selected files to the configuration window.

  5. Effects: Choose which effects you would like to add to your voice recording.
  6. Output File Prefix: Optionally you may choose to add a prefix for your output files.
    Note: The filename is generated using the specified prefix followed by the existing filename. If the prefix is left empty, the existing filename will be kept as it is.
  7. Output Folder: Optionally you may choose to specify a folder for your files to be saved in.
    Note: If no output folder is given, the new files are placed in the same folder as the input file.
  8. Apply: Click the APPLY button when done to complete the upload

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