Here are some examples of test setup for different testing scenarios.
How to Simulate a Constant Number of Users
Scenario: Simulate 5 users 7 times using a load test.
- Create a new Project: Create a Load test under the Performance test type. By default this contains just one test case which is required for the load test. Every User is repeating a simple 'Hello' conversation.
Set Test Duration: Set the duration to 1 minute.Note: Botium executes a step every 10 seconds. For a 1-minute duration, Botium will execute 7 steps.
Set the Number of Parallel Users:Set the amount of parallel users that should be simulated to 5Note: This means Botium will execute the Test Project 5 times in the first step, maintaining a constant load throughout the test.
- Required percentage of Successful Users: If the failed responses exceed the required percentage of successful users, the test will stop.
Expected Outcome: After 1 minute, the Total Convos Processed should be 35.

How to Simulate an Increasing Number of Users
Scenario: Simulate increasing numbers of users in the pattern 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 using a stress test.
- Create a new Project: Create a Stress test under the Performance test type. By default this contains just one test case which is required for the load test. Every User is repeating a simple 'Hello' conversation.
Set Test Duration: Set the duration to 1 minute.Note: Botium executes a step every 10 seconds. For a 1-minute duration, Botium will execute 7 steps.
Set the Number of Parallel Users to Start with:Set the amount of parallel users that should be simulated at the beginning of the test to 1.Note: This means Botium will execute the Test Project 5 times in the first step. The number of parallel users will then increase after each step until it matches whatever value is set for the number of parallel users to end the test with.
Set the Number of Parallel Users to End with: Set the amount of parallel users that should be simulated by the end of the test to 13.Note: This means Botium will increase the number of parallel users after each step until it reaches 13 parallel users, after which the stress test ends. This protects the agent from overload by not starting new tasks until the current ones finish.
- Required percentage of Successful Users: If the failed responses exceed the required percentage of successful users, the test will stop.
Expected Outcome: After 1 minute, the Total Convos Processed should be 49.