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Create FactCheck Test

Create a test set based on an uploaded source of truth with possible questions extracted from the source of truth document. When the test is run, the bots' answers to these questions are compared with the uploaded source of truth, and the status of either correct or incorrect is provided.


  1. Navigate Using the Left Pane: Navigate to AI Trust Suite > FactCheck and click the + CREATE TEST button to create a new project.

  2. Configure Project:
    1. Give you project a meaningful name
    2. Optional - Add a namespace to associate with your project. For more information on namespaces see Botium Namespaces
    3. Select your chatbot technology from the dropdown menu
    4. Optional - Enter a website URL for Botium to download the source of truth
    5. Upload the source of truth from your computer
      Note: The source of truth is limited to a file size of 50MB and is accepted in the following formats: .pdf, .docx, .html, and .txt.
    6. Click the START button to begin the sampling process which will automatically create a test set for you.

      Note: Your samples will then begin generating.

  3. Start Session: After a few moments, the sampling will be complete, and you can begin your test session.

  4. Running: You’ll now see your new project added to the FactCheck projects list. You can see Botium doing the hard work in the background, and after several seconds, you can open the project view to see an overview of the results or to make adjustments to the project's configuration.

What next? Now its time to view your test results.

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