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How to Validate NLP Improvements

To validate any improvements against a test session we simply launch another test session with the refined and retrained NLP model to find out if the changes have resulted in any improvement. Botium then offers the option to combine the visualization of two test sessions.

Add Secondary Session

Simply select the previous test session in the Secondary Test Session box. This can be found by opening the drawer at the top of the page in the session settings.

  1. Navigate to your test session Test Suite > NLP > Your Project > Your Test Session
  2. Open the sessions settings drawer at the top of the page
  4. Select the test session you wish to compare too.


In the combined visualization, the Uptrending/Downtrending section shows a list of intents with improved results (and the opposite).


In the charts, the previous test session will be shown in the background with slightly lighter colors to immediately see the differences and (hopefully) the improvements.

Don’t be surprised to see positive or negative effect on intents or entities you didn’t work on - when we clarify intents with augmented training data it can clarify other (overlapping) intents as well.
Tip: When using training data for testing, we recommend you repeat the whole process until all your intents have a score of at least 75%. An awesome NLP model will score around 90-95%.

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