Scenario: you are using Jira issues for test case management. The Botium test cases are attached to Jira issues (for example, as Excel files).
Solution: register the attachment download link together with Jira credentials in Botium as “Download Link”.
Create a Jira API Token
In Jira, create an API Token:
Find Attachment Download Link
Use a link in this form to retrieve the issue details with the Jira Rest API:
In the resulting JSON document, search for the attachment section and get the content attribute:
Register Download Link in Botium
In Botium, navigate to the test set (or create a new one), enter the Remote Repositories section and click Register Download Link
Enter anything in the Download Link Name field
In the Download Link field, enter the URL from the attachment content attribute (step 2 from previous section)
Enter your Jira credentials in the Username / Password fields
Username is your Jira login email address
Password is the API Token created above
Click Add Basic Auth Headers to generate the HTTP Basic credentials
Save and you are ready to go.