So, you've invested quite some time into chatbot test coverage by writing thousands of Botium test cases. That's awesome! Here are some hints on how to structure your test sets to make it easier to manage a large number of test cases.
Selecting the Right File Format
The scripting language behind Botium test cases is called BotiumScript and supports several file formats:
Establish Naming Conventions
This is maybe a no-brainer. The suggested naming conventions are:
Utterance names should start with UTT_
Partial convo names should start with PCONVO_
Convo names should start with anything you choose for naming your test cases, for example TC04711_…
Convos and Utterances
A clear separation of concerns between the conversational flow and the actual conversation content
Extensive NLP testing with Botium can only be reached with massive amount of user examples, and this is only doable with separate utterance files
Some of the awesome tools in Botium are working exclusively on utterance level:
Utterance Analytics as part of Botium NLP Testing
Partial Convos
With partial convos it is possible to reuse parts of a convo in multiple places. For software engineers, partial convos provide modularization and separation of concerns. Use them at least in any of these cases:
When having a common greeting / goodbye section in all of your test cases, you can have two partial convos to be included in the “real” test cases.
If you have to setup conversation context before starting some test cases, the setup process should be extracted in a partial convo. A typical example is a user login process.
The awesome thing is that in partial convos, you can do everything that you can do in full convos, including utterance expansion, using scripting memory, assertions, logic hooks and more. Read more about Partial Convos and How to Use Them.
Scripting Memory
Extract and Reuse Dynamic Content in Test Cases: With scripting
memory variables it is possible to extract dynamic content from
chatbot responses in test cases and reuse this dynamic content.
For more information, see Scripting Memory Variables.
Inject Dynamic Content into Test Cases: With scripting memory functions it is possible to inject dynamic data into your test cases. Example usage:
Use current date and time in various formats
Generate random numbers in various formats
Inject system environment variables
Use test case metadata in test cases itself (test session name, test case name, …)
Extract custom payload
and more …
Parametrize Test Cases: With scripting memory files it is possible to
set parameters for test cases and let them run multiple times
with different parameters.
For more information, see Scripting Memory Files. This comes in handy when testing same conversation flow for different content, for example testing a shopping workflow for various products.
Test Set Dependencies
In Botium it is possible to define dependencies between test sets. When running test sessions, all content from dependent test sets is loaded as well. Possible use cases:
When working on multiple chatbot projects, you can have basic test cases for greeting, goodbye, smalltalk etc in a shared Smalltalk test set and set this as dependency for the specialized test sets
When working on multi-lingual chatbot projects you can have multiple test sets:
one shared test set holding the convo files with the conversational flow of the test cases - only utterance names are used here, no text content
for each supported language on test set holding the utterance files for this language used in the convo files, and maybe some additional language-specific test cases
the language test sets are dependent on the shared test set holding the conversational flow
Multi-Lingual Testing
Preparing Multi-Language and Multi-Environment Test SetsMulti-Brand Testing
Preparing Multi-Brand and Multi-Environment TestsBotium Crawler
Use the Botium Crawler for detecting uncovered branches and updating your test sets accordingly. A suggested setup is similar to the suggested development workflow:
Run Botium Crawler for the first time to detect all conversation flows
Copy the resulting test scripts into an empty test set and do a first-time export to the main branch of a linked Git repository
At time, re-run the Botium Crawler to detect new conversation flows
Copy the resulting test scripts into another empty test set and export to the same linked Git repository as before, but into a feature branch
Use Git pull requests to review the detected changes in the test set