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How to Use the Paraphraser to Generate New User Examples

Botium includes a paraphraser to quickly generate new user examples based on given ones.

Tip: By default, the Paraphraser tool is using Botium's OpenAI API key. If you would like to connect your own account, navigate to Botium Tools & Settings > Settings > System Settings > Data Augmentation and Paraphrasing, and enter your own API key to overwrite it.
Note: This task assumes that you already know how to perform several steps which are covered in the article Create a New Test Case. If you have not yet created a test case, please review this article first.

  1. Create a new Utterance test case for your Test Set Botium Tools & Settings > Test Sets > Your Test Set > Test Cases > New > Utterances
  2. Add a handful of user examples to the utterance list.
  3. Click on the PARAPHRASE IT! button.

  4. This generates a large number of additional, similar user examples for further training. Select the ones you want to use and click the ADD button.


    Keep Test Dataset in Git Repository: Instead of adding your test datasets to the internal Botium repository, you can (and should!) use a Git repository for your test data, and establish a process for continuous improvements.

    Download Training Data into Botium (optional): Besides adding the Test Dataset to Botium, you should also add the Training Dataset (if not already done). This way you can use the tools included in Botium for data augmentation, such as the Paraphraser, the Translator and the Humanification Transformer. Use the Conversation Model Downloader in the Test Data Wizard to download the training data from your NLP engine into Botium

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