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What CI/CD Pipelines does Botium support?

Does it support Bamboo ?

Yes. Bamboo has excellent support for scripting, so best option for running test cases on Botium is to use a script task with cURL or Wget.
Remember: Remember to map the build environment variables to the Botium Endpoint parameters — you definitely want to map the bamboo.buildKey variable to the Botium BUILDID parameter!

Does it support Jenkins ?

Yes. For running test case on Botium, either use a simple shell script with cURL or Wget, or use an HTTP Request Plugin. Botium output as JUnit XML can be visualized with the Test Results Analyzer Plugin. See here for instructions.

Does it support Codeship ?

Yes. Just use a script task with cURL or Wget.

Does it support Travis ?

Yes. Just use a script task with cURL or Wget.

Does it support build pipeline product X from vendor Y ?

Most likely, yes.

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