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IBM Watson Asserters

There are eight dialogflow asserters available. Choose the one you need based on the descriptions given below:

Available Asserters

  1. IBM Watson (V1) Action Asserter: Checks if a specific action exists in IBM Watson (V1)
  2. IBM Watson (V1) Context Variable Existence Asserter: Checks if a specific context variable exists in IBM Watson (V1)
  3. IBM Watson (V1) Context Variable Value Asserter: Checks if a specific context variable in IBM Watson (V1) matches the expected value
  4. IBM Watson (V2) Action Asserter: Checks if a specific action exists in IBM Watson (V2)
  5. IBM Watson (V2) Action Parameter Asserter: Checks if a specific parameter within an action in IBM Watson (V2) matches the expected value
  6. IBM Watson (V2) Action Parameter Existence Asserter: Checks if a specific parameter exists within an action in IBM Watson (V2)
  7. IBM Watson (V2) Context Variable Existence Asserter: Checks if a specific context variable in IBM Watson (V2) matches the expected value
  8. IBM Watson (V2) Context Variable Value Asserter: Checks if a specific context variable exists in IBM Watson (V2)

Summary of Watson Asserter Configurations

Asserter Name Botium Script Ref Description Arguments
IBM Watson (V1) Action Asserter WATSONV1_ACTION Checks if a specific action exists in IBM Watson (V1) Action name
IBM Watson (V1) Context Variable Existence Asserter WATSONV1_HAS_CONTEXT Checks if a specific context variable exists in IBM Watson (V1) Context name
IBM Watson (V1) Context Variable Value Asserter WATSONV1_CONTEXT Checks if a specific context variable in IBM Watson (V1) matches the expected value
  • Context name
  • Expected value
IBM Watson (V2) Action Asserter WATSONV2_ACTION Checks if a specific action exists in IBM Watson (V2) Action name
IBM Watson (V2) Action Parameter Asserter WATSONV2_ACTION_PARAMETER Checks if a specific parameter within an action in IBM Watson (V2) matches the expected value
  • Action name
  • Parameter name
  • Expected value
IBM Watson (V2) Action Parameter Existence Asserter WATSONV2_ACTION_HAS_PARAMETER Checks if a specific parameter exists within an action in IBM Watson (V2)
  • Action name
  • Parameter name
IBM Watson (V2) Context Variable Value Asserter WATSONV2_CONTEXT Checks if a specific context variable in IBM Watson (V2) matches the expected value
  • Context name
  • Expected value
IBM Watson (V2) Context Variable Existence Asserter WATSONV2_HAS_CONTEXT Checks if a specific context variable exists in IBM Watson (V2) Context name

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