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Form Asserters

This asserter checks for the presence of forms in the bot's response. It can be used without parameters and will fail if no forms are found.

Note: Processing media responses depends on the botium connector, such as Directline. Check the connector documentation for more information.

Form Fields

Imagine a chatbot that takes orders for pizza delivery using a form. The form has two fields: one to set the pizza type and another for the count. You can check those fields:

User: I want to order a pizza

Bot: Please fill out the form below:

  • Type
  • Count

The FORMS asserter (arguments: form field names to look out for), used in the bot response, will assert that these fields are present in the response.

Tip: Fields have a name or an ID, and most of them have a label. If you expect a field named ‘type’ and there is a field with the label ‘Type of the pizza,’ the asserter will accept it even if its name is not exactly ‘type.’

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