There are several ways to prepare the audio samples you want to use in your test cases. Continue reading for help with each process:
- Record your own voice
- Use a synthesized voice
- Upload existing audio files
Tip: It is also possible to save an entire conversation as
a Test Set using the audio recorder in the Live
Chat feature. These audio recordings are stored in a meaningful folder
structure already (test set name / test case name / Step X).
Live Voice Recorder
Open the Voice Wizard: Navigate to
Botium Tools & Settings > Test Data Wizard > Voice Wizard > Your Test Set Name
- Record: Select LIVE VOICE RECORDER from the options and click the RECORD button to begin capturing audio. Click the STOP button to end the recording.
- Effects: Optionally you may choose to add effects to your voice recording to create different levels of degradation which can help to simulate poor connections.
- Audio File Name: Give the recorded audio a name so that it is easily identifiable.
Choose Upload Folder: Select the folder where your audio recordings will
be uploaded.Tip: We suggest considering a folder structure for organizing your audio files. For example, you can group them by test case and conversation step. See Managing Resource Folders for more information.
- Save: When ready, use the SAVE button to upload the audio file to the folder you selected before.
- Repeat: Repeat steps 1-6 until you have enough audio samples for your test cases.
Once complete, the voice files will be available to listen too in the table
underneath the configuration window.

Tip: These can now be added to any Convo in a test
case. See steps 6-9
here for more info.
Voice Synthesis
Open the Voice Wizard:
Botium Tools & Settings > Test Data Wizard > Voice Wizard > Your Test Set Name
Enter Text: Select TEXT TO VOICE from the options and begin typing
to enter the text you wish to synthesize voice for.Tip: You can enter multiple lines to synthesize multiple audio files (one per line)
- Choose Speech Profile: Choose the 'Speech Synthesis Profile' from the list of options in the dropdown menu.
- Text Language: Give the recorded audio a name so that it is easily identifiable.
Select Voices: Select folder where your audio recordings will be
uploaded.Tip: We suggest considering a folder structure for organizing your audio files. For example, you can group them by test case and conversation step. See Managing Resource Folders for more information.
- Effects: Optionally you may choose to add effects to your synthesized voice recording to create different levels of degradation which can help to simulate poor connections.
Output File Prefix: Optionally you may choose to add a prefix for your
output files.Note: The filename is generated using the specified prefix followed by the text entered for voice synthesis. If the prefix is left empty, the text itself will be used as the filename.
Output Folder: Optionally you may choose to specify a folder for your
files to be saved in.Note: If no output folder is given, the new files are placed in the same folder as the input file.
Begin Synthesis: When ready, use the VOICE SYNTHESIS button to
begin synthesizing.Note: Depending on available network and hardware resources, and length of the text, this can take longer.
Once complete, the synthesized voice files will be available to listen too in the
table underneath the configuration window.
These can now be added to any Convo in a test case. See steps 6-9 here
for more info.
Upload Audio
Open the Voice Wizard:
Botium Tools & Settings > Test Data Wizard > Voice Wizard > Your Test Set Name
Select Files: Select UPLOAD / SELECT AUDIO from the options and
click the SELECTION button to open the file/folder selection
Upload or Select Files: Select files that are already available in the
table or browse for new files you wish to upload to Botium. After a few moments
any uploaded files will also be available to select from the table.Tip: We suggest considering a folder structure for organizing your audio files. For example, you can group them by test case and conversation step. See Managing Resource Folders for more information.
Add Selection: Click the SELECT FILE button when done to add the
selected files to the configuration window.
- Effects: Optionally you may choose to add effects to your recording to create different levels of degradation which can help to simulate poor connections.
Output File Prefix: Optionally you may choose to add a prefix for your
output files.Note: The filename is generated using the specified prefix followed by the existing filename. If the prefix is left empty, the existing filename will be kept as it is.
Output Folder: Optionally you may choose to specify a folder for your
files to be saved in.Note: If no output folder is given, the new files are placed in the same folder as the input file.
Apply: Click the APPLY button when done to complete the
Once complete, the uploaded voice files will be available to listen too in the table
underneath the configuration window. 

Tip: These can now be added to any Convo in a test case. See steps 6-9 here
for more info.
Saved Files
All files are saved in the File Browser under the Test Set project name. Here you can see all audio files and perform basic editing tasks on your folders. See the article Managing Resource Folders for more information.
The file browser can be found here > Botium Tools & Settings > Test Sets
> Your Test Set Name > File Browser